
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

what is beauty?

This is a little movie I made with my friend Alexandre Ferron (who is also making my book trailer, he is the film-movie-smarty one) for the North of Beautiful: Find Beauty Challenge, inspired by the book North Of Beautiful.

For every video about beauty that fans upload, my friend and uber-talented author Justina Chen Headley will donate $10--up to $1,000--to help children in third-world countries born with cleft lips and palates.

I'm always sad when people don't smile for photos because they "hate their smiles." I think that is contrary to reality-- in my opinion, people always look better when they smile because they look happy! And happiness is the greatest beautifier! So, our little movie is based on that. What do you think?

p.s.--if you like it, please rate it; I'd like to win that Ipod touch! ha ha