
Friday, May 29, 2009

fortune cookie friday

"Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it. "
-Chinese Proverb

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


As many of you my already know, I've been trying to grow my hair long enough to donate which has been challenging. It has gotten pretty long but, unfortunately, I noticed the ends were not looking as healthy as they should. So, snip! clip! Two hard-grown inches had to be chopped off.

The hairdresser insists that this will make the hair grow even faster and stronger, so I am trying to have faith. I'm finding the whole incident symbolic to what is happening with my new book as well.

Because I was told, due to the printing difficulties (this is the first novel that the publisher has ever printed in full color) that my book release is being pushed back. So instead of June 1st, the general release of Where the Mountain Meet the Moon will be July 1st. Perhaps this delay means the book sales will be faster and stronger too? Like I said, trying to have faith!

Regardless, they will still have books for my book launch. And that just means you REALLY have to come to it, because the book won't be available anywhere else until July!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

on my desk monday

Sometimes things on my desk aren't that interesting. This is paper being prepped for next month's small graces painting. I still don't know what I am going to paint, which is why it is blank.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

on the way to the grocery store

On the way to the grocery store, I saw art created by chance:

and art created by consideration:

Both made me smile.

Friday, May 22, 2009

fortune cookie friday

"When you want to test the depths of a stream, don't use both feet."
-Chinese Proverb

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

mom's first signing

My mother recently attended the North American Taiwanese Women's Association conference in Atlanta, Georgia. At the conference, she saw that The Ugly Vegetables was for sale.

"That's my daughter's book," she said, nudging her companion.
"That's HER DAUGHTER'S BOOK!!" her companion said to the seller.
"You're the mother?" the seller said.
"Yes," my mom said and opened the book to the back flap, where there is a photo of the two of us, "See?"
"You ARE the mother!" the bookseller said, "You have to sign the book!"

Soon everyone was clamoring for a signature and, just like that, my mom had an impromptu book signing. She said it was very exciting.

I wonder if I could get her to do my school visits, too?

Monday, May 18, 2009

successful test launch

My book does not release until June (please come to the official release party), but since I have been doing so many school visits in San Antonio my publisher released 50 copies early there for a pre-launch signing. A test launch, you could say.
First, I was happy just because I got to wear my new flower hair accessory (for some reason, I have become enamoured with the romance of wearing flowers in my hair). But the turn-out was fantastic and I was soon more than thrilled. It was a delight to see so many kids there, many students whose schools I had visits. One even came all dressed up.

And the new book sold out!

I hope that is a good sign for the official release of the book!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

happy birthday to me!

Yes, the photo is correct. I am one years old.

Friday, May 15, 2009

fortune cookie friday

"Experience is a comb which nature gives to men when they are bald."
-Chinese Proverb

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Are you in San Antonio? Come to my signing!

Because of all the school visits I have done in the San Antonio, TX area (I am in SA right now), an extra special WHERE THE MOUNTAIN MEETS THE MOON pre-launch booksigning (like a preview movie screening) has been scheduled for:

Thursday, May 14th, 2009 at 7pm (TONIGHT!!)
Barnes and Nobles Northwoods
18030 HWY 281N,Suite #140
San Antonio, TX

Can't make it because it's a school night? Just call (210) 490-0411 and reserve an autographed copy (and pick it up later)!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon TRAILER!

Here is the extended trailer I promised after last month's teaser. It's a sneak peak of some of the color illustrations inside (even though WHERE THE MOUNTAIN MEETS THE MOON is a novel-grades 3 to 6- it will have full color illustrations, like the classic fairytale books).

If your band width allows, please view it in High Quality (hit the HQ button at the bottom)--it makes a big difference!

(PS--if you are a teacher and cannot access youtube, I also have the trailer available here on Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Book Trailer on Teacher Tube)

Monday, May 11, 2009

art for sale

I'm on auction! Or rather my art is...and all for good causes:

First, of course is my monthly painting for small graces. Remember, I'm donating a painting a month to the Foundation of Children's Books to fund author visits to under served schools? Well, here is this month's painting:
You can bid on it NOW!

Secondly, I've also donated to the Bridget Zinn auction

The children's book community have donated various cool items to help Bridget Zinn, an author and librarian recently diagnosed with colon cancer. It's a wonderful thing. I donated original art and books from Robert's Snow. I haven't parted with any of the original art from that book yet and I had a slight twinges when I decided to; but when I looked at my work it just felt like the right thing to do.

You can bid on my art and books by leaving a comment on the auction listing.

So, make your wall pretty and your soul happy! All good!

Friday, May 8, 2009

in my grubby little hands

Today, in the mail came... the final hardcover of Where the Mountain Meets the Moon!

With its full color illustrations!

I can't believe it's finished and is a book. Wow.

(come get your own copy at my booklaunch!)

fortune cookie friday

"A fall into a ditch makes you wiser."
-Chinese Proverb

Thursday, May 7, 2009

You're Invited!

Okay, it's the launch I've been talking and talking about!

My new novel that I have talked about non-stop is finally going to make its debut. Not only do I think this book is the best I have ever written, the novel is being printed in full-color (very unusual for a novel); I think it is also the most beautiful. So, don't miss its coming out party! Because YOU, yes, YOU are invited. If you read this blog, I'd like to meet you. It's only fair, don't you think?

It will be on Saturday, June 6th at 5:30 pm at the Porter Square Bookstore! Please visit their website for directions and parking tips. This is the Evite, but I'm not sure if it is accessible without a formal invite. Just e-mail me at and I'll put you on "the list."

I will be reading and signing and giving away uber-cool goodie bags! In these bags (amongst other great loot) will be a homemade boxed cupcake. One of these cupcakes will have a coin baked inside it. If you have the cupcake with the coin in it--you are the WINNER! What do you win?

You'll win your name or likeness in my upcoming book!

Isn't that neat? Wouldn't you like to see yourself in a book? Or your child? So, come to the signing and get a cupcake!

Please pass on the invite to anyone you think might be interested and RSVP if you can, so I know how many cupcakes to make (of course, you can come last minute too--I'll make extras!). Hope to see you!!!

Can't make it? Reserve a copy to be signed and pick it up at your convenience! 617-491-2220

Not in the Boston area? Stay tuned for the virtual launch invite!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

the risd sale, or how my faith in humanity was restored

So it has been a busy week. I had 2 school visits, a presentation at the Connecticut Library Association conference, a surprise party to help plan and a big deadline for Ling and Ting. And to end the week, I also had the RISD sale!

Anna and I had signed up a while ago, deciding to share a table to sell our wares; so even though I was starting to feel burned out, off we went:

You can probably tell that I'm looking a bit haggard! But even though I was tired, I still had a nice time. I got to see fellow author/illustrator Liz Dubois' completely charming creations:
And I got these very cool ceramic coasters with designs by Ian Wells
as well as these incredibly cute and eco-friendly paper boxes from treeo design

However, I think all this shiny loot in conjunction with my busy-and-lack-of-sleep week distracted me. Because at the end of the day, Anna and I packed up the table put everything in the car and drove home. And at about 10:30 pm (a good 6 hours after the sale was over) this text message conversation happened:

Anna:Do u have the money from the sale?
Grace: Um, no. Thought u had it.
Anna: I think I left the box it was in in the car
Grace: checked the car, not there. sure you don't have it?
Anna: no

I had left behind the box with the all money.

On a table. In the middle of the street. We had driven away without the cash box--eeks!

Immediately, I was filled with fatalistic gloom. It was gone, I was sure of it. It was almost all cash, who could resist? I was convinced we were the weeping losers.

Still, just in case, we half-heartedly called the organizers of the sale...and right before midnight they called us back saying they had the box, in tact. Someone, unknown, had turned it in.

Which fills me with warmhearted gratitude. The news is filled with Madoff-types and hipster grifters; but the real world has a lot of kind, caring and honest people in it. I thank you so much for being one of them.

Monday, May 4, 2009

in my desk monday

My in-progress-painting for this month's small graces auction!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

attempting rapunzel

So it's been about a year since I've last cut my hair, and it is the longest I have had it for a while. I am trying to grow it so that I can donate it, but I'm not there yet. A part of this is because of vanity--I am reluctant to cut it so that I am left looking like a shorn sheep, I want some length after I cut. However it is starting to get a bit overwhelming, I am starting to find the ends colored green and blue from getting into my paint. No wonder Rapunzel kept hers in that rope of a braid.

I have saved a lot of money from skipping salon visits, though.

just something nice

Firekites - AUTUMN STORY - chalk animation from Lucinda Schreiber on Vimeo.

Another little animation I wanted to share. This one is by a woman by Lucinda Scheiber. Isn't it beautiful?

Friday, May 1, 2009

fortune cookie friday

"A smile will gain you ten more years of life."
-Chinese Proverb