So after weeks and weeks of
Today Show anticipation, what does one do when it's all over?
Well, one could do what I did which was:

-visit the
ORIGINAL Pooh Bear and consider illegally liberating him so he can
live here, instead.

-stop by a palm reader for "research" (and realize what a bunch of phooey it is! At least this one was, though she did tell me I was going to live until I was 91. )

soup dumplings at
Joe Shanghai's! (oh how, I love soup dumplings!)

and sing bad karoke! Well, I sing very badly (my song="Flashdance:What a Feeling"). The others (
TS and
Alvina) were pretty good.
And then collapse on the train home where everything that was avoided, pushed aside or ignored for the last couple of weeks is waiting...