After the c
upcake display, my other pet project was what I affectionately called "the sweet table." In a lot of Asian traditions, having sweet food symbolizes sweet wishes-- the New Year tray at Lunar New Year is filled with sweet things, the tea served during the tea ceremony is sweet to symbolize sweet relations, etc. So, a table full of sweets seemed appropriate for a well as my sweet tooth! Here is my sketch:

And here is how it turned out:

Isn't it lovely? I cannot take credit for it, however. This table was truly made of sweet wishes from friends and family.
Along with the
personalized cupcakes, I made pink flower cupcakes (extras, in case people wanted two!).

These pink flowers were made ahead of time (royal icing!) with the
blue rose girls, but especially with the help of amazing illustrator and friend
Alissa Imre Geis:
The delicious fudge was made by Squatchie's aunt:

and the raspberry, plum jam and chocolate surprise cookies were made my Squatchie's mother and sister. This was particularly appropriate because in Chinese tradition, the groom's family is suppose to supply cookies for the bride's cookie day!

My dear friend (and co-author of
Our Seasons)Ranida made the double happiness cookies. The character she frosted on the cookies is the Chinese character double happiness--the traditional Chinese symbol used to wish couples joy in marriage:

The vintage material table runner was made by dear friend and extremely talented
Anna Alter (more about the table runners later) and flowers arranged by my mother (more on that later, too!)

I know that everything on the table was made with a great deal of love and affection, which makes the table that much more beautiful...and sweet!

And I know at least one guest agreed!