So, it was time to go! My trip to ALA and the Newbery Banquet began with a game of iphone pacman on the airplane:

It was about the time that I lost my 5th game that I realized I did forget something! I had remembered the
jade bracelet this time, but I had forgotten my blue rose! It was a specially made rose to match
my dress and to match the other
blue rose girls whom I had gotten banquet tickets for. It was laying on the table at home:

I tried really hard not to be a whiner about it but I kind of had had my heart set on taking a blue rose photo at the banquet just like
we had at my wedding.
But as soon as we got in, I met Alvina to go to the Tea for
Katherine Patterson (our new Ambassador Children's Literature), who gave a lovely speech even though I didn't hear any of it because I was way in the back...but I knew it was lovely because lots of people who DID hear it cried and clapped.

People like,
Susan Kusel, the well-organized as well as kind librarian who got me the extra Banquet tickets:

and one of my favorite bloggers
Jama Rattigan (check out her
post on the tea to see the good eats)

There were many more, but I forgot to take photos. I think was distracted because an extremely lucky occurrence had just happened. as Alvina and I walked to the tea (very hot!), we passed many stores. As I glanced at one of them, I saw they had red rose hairclips in the window.
"Do you think they have a blue one?" I asked Alvina.
She shrugged, and I thought it was unlikely, but we went in anyway. And they DID! Not as nice as the custom made one, of course, but it was a blue rose! What were the chances? Ta-hah!
I'm making the "I forgot!" Ting face from Ling & TingFate or luck? Who knows? But I am never going to bet against the
jade bracelet!
After the tea, I had a quick drink (big glass of water, which I really needed after walking in the DC heat! really not recommended.) with
Harold Underdown. If you remember he was my first editor, the one who acquired
The Ugly Vegetables, my first book and my first break into the children's book world, and is miraculously
still in print! Thank you very much, Harold!!

After that, I met up with good friends for dinner (somehow I don't have a photo of everyone):

at a restaurant called
Busboys and Poets, chosen with hopes of grand inspiration for our poet friends
Janet Wong &
Elaine Magliaro:

which I'm not sure was accomplished. However, we did plan an epic called, "The Velveeta Rabbit, or How Fake Cheese becomes Real."