“The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.”
-Chinese Proverb
Why write middle-grade novels, especially young middle grade? One can say you have more restrictions in terms of subject matter, audience and even respect than the other genres. But I think it is one of the most important forms,if not the most important form, of children's literature. These are the books that change a child that can read books to a child that LOVES to read books. What they call a "reader," a true life-long book lover. The picturebook is rarely read independently and the YA reader has already decided whether he or she likes books. The middle-grade novel is the one that can create a transformation.
One of the difference between a middle grade novel and a YA (or even adult) novel is that the middle grade novel is multifunctional. While it is a book a child can read to themselves, middle grade novels are often books that are read aloud in a classroom or at home after dinner or before bedtime. Words and sentences must be complex enough to have rhythm and interest but not so much that they would discourage a young reader. In this class, we'll discuss the key elements of a middle grade novel and consider them in our own writing.It was a fun class where we talked about overwriting and writing tightly, though during it I realized how guilty my own work-in-progress novel is of those same issues!
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"Stars don’t just happen out of thin air, Hollywood helps make them. This was an opportunity to give the chance to some Asian kids to become stars for the future generation and we missed it."
-Dante Basco, voice actor for Zuko in the original cartoon (read his entire thoughts HERE).I rarely like to call out others on "racefail" as I think it is an extremely difficult and tricky thing with many layers which is easy to be guilty of (especially for creators). Honestly, I've been guilty of it myself.