So I finally took
my research trip to the Met to see their
special display of Chinese Art. It was my last bit of
procrastination research before starting "Return to Sky."
But it was very helpful. I think one of these objects might make a possible cameo appearance in my story! We'll see...

Of course, after seeing the Chinese exhibit, it was great fun just to wander around the Met itself and see all the great master paintings and sculptures. Every time, I saw something beautiful I felt inspired. I kept thinking of new ideas for new books--when I saw this famous Degas sculpture of a 14 yr ballerina:

I kept thinking, someone should write a children's novel from that 14 yr old girl's point of view! That would be fascinating--like
Girl with a Pearl Earring, but for kids. Well, I looked it up and there
IS a novel about that 14 yr dancer, but after reading the descriptions (I guess i should've figured that ballet had a dark side) I don't think it's for kids...
Regardless, I have to admit the most exciting sight of the day for me was actually outside the Met. Because parked in front of the museum was a CUPCAKE TRUCK!

Yes, instead of truck selling ice cream, it sold cupcakes. I was so excited. It's opened my eyes to all new possibilities in terms of
my cupcake dreams. If I can't afford a bakery, maybe I could just have a truck! And this works so well because the Sasquatch is studying to become a diesel mechanic, he can fix my truck for free!
SO, here's the idea for my future:
Plan A: children's book author/illustrator
Plan B: Cupcake Bakery
Plan C: Cupcake truck.
I'd still really, really rather Plan A work out, but at least the back-up plans could be sweet...