Because I was the keynote speaker for the NJ SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) conference. While I do a lot of speaking, it had been a while since I presented to adults. I had to catch myself before I said anything like, "Now, please sit criss-cross applesauce!"

But it was very enjoyable! I forgot how much nice it can be speaking at events like this. I met many lovely people, including conference attendee Tara Lazar who wrote a recap of my speech here (thanks, Tara!) , Joyce Wan, the creator of Wanart which produces the adorable onesies I give to all my friends' new babies (which reminds me, I have to buy some more...)and many, many other talented authors and fantastic artists who are too numerous to name.

(Though I did want to include this photo of me and the talented Ryan Sias from whom I stole this photo from off of FB. It makes me laugh that we are matching. Ironically, later that day, I had a conversation about how the new thing in Korea is for couples to dress identically. So in Korea, people would've thought we were a couple! I'll have to get the Sasquatch a red shirt, now.)
But my favorite part was when later in the day Alvina and I gave a workshop about the author/editor relationship. Some of you may know that even though Alvina is my editor, she is also "Melody" in The Year of the Dog which is why I showed this photo:

Ha ha!!