If you remember during my search for my Geisel dress, the Geisel Award ceremony is not a banquet or a breakfast. It was in the middle of the day (before lunch) and in a room in the convention center. Room 268, if I remember correctly. This was a bit problematic for me as the signs read as follows:

I wasn't really sure which way I should go.
But, eventually, with the help of Rebecca (agent) and Alvina (editor), the room was found.
After receiving my program I found my seat--it was reserved just for me!
As well as the Geisel, the award ceremony was also for the Seibert (best non-fiction book), the Batchelder (best translation) and the Carnegie (best movie/video adaptation). The winners all gave lovely speeches. I was particularly moved by Sy Montgomery's impassioned speech about the Kakapo parrot (an animal I never heard of before). One line she said, which I'll paraphrase, went something like, "These birds should be treasured more than diamonds because they are real living creatures and even more rare."
But all deep thoughts and musings quickly disappeared when they got to the Geisel portion of the ceremony...
And it was time to receive my award!

As I mentioned in my other posts, I'd been slowly running out of marbles. I think this is where I lost them all.
I was, of course, thrilled and my lucky jade bracelet got me through the rest of the day, to the airport andthe plane ride home...
This is a voodoo doll a got for the Sasquatch. He asked me to get one that looked like him, but by the end of the conference I felt like it was more of a self-portrait!