Thursday, July 7, 2011


I admit I am not much of a cook. I like to bake, I like watching other people cook and I like to eat but somehow when I cook I tend to lose interest.

This is especially dangerous when I am writing. In the middle of boiling something, I'll realize that perfect line for the character to say and run to my computer for "only a minute." Suffice to say, it is never only a minute and dinner is ruined.

Lucky for me, I have a very understanding Sasquatch who has taken over dinner duty. And let me say he has taken over dinner duty in a way I could never achieve. Most recently, in honor of my Asian-themed novel-writing, he tried out a recipe to make us an Asian-themed dinner.

Rice porridge with crab, chicken and soft cooked egg from the May 29th New York Times Magazine

I thought I was in a restaurant! And it was soooo good. It's given me an idea for a new picture book too!

This is also why I've gained so much weight since marriage.