
Friday, September 23, 2011

le chateau of Pocket Pacy #3

Here I am, have a cup of chocolate chaud in front of my chateau:

the Chateau at Azay-le-Rideau,  in the Loire Valley of France

Oh, would you like to come in?

There's plenty of room:
it even makes the Sasquatch look small!

And the view is lovely:

Oui, my chateau does look like something out of a fairy tale, does it not?

What? There is another chateau that is really from a fairy tale? And it is nearby? In fact, it is right on the route we are going? Well, I must see this place.

Apparently, this is also the castle Disney used as a model for their theme parks
Chateau d'Usse of Rigny-Usse, also in the Loire Valley 

This castle was the inspiration for Charles Perrault's fairy tale of the Sleeping Beauty!
Sleeping Beauty statue

Which the owners have decided to capitalize on:

There is a Sleeping Beauty Tower you can go see!

at the top of the tower there is a glassed in tableau of...
La belle au bois dormant!
It is actually quite funny! Ah, the French! Their line between romance and cheese is different than Americans. Perhaps that is why the fromage is so good here, though...

I don't think Prince Charming and Le Belle would mind the company of a Pocket Pacy, do you?

this convenient place in the stone wall was too good to pass up!

Pocket Pacy, La Belle dans la Poche!

Chemin de Ronde La Belle au Bois Dormant (Tower Room of Sleeping Beauty)
Chateau d'Usse
37420 Rigny Usse