
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday Chinese School

Welcome to Sunday Chinese School, where we learn a Chinese word (or phrase) a week with my mom!
Today's word is:

Friday, September 28, 2012

fortune cookie friday

"Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship."
-Chinese Proverb

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Book Launch Treats!

What are these? No, not mooncakes! They are moon-cookies! Specially made for the goodie bags for Sunday's booklaunch!

Originally, I had thought of having star cookies (and there might still be some served) but I realized that this year's Moon Festival is on the same day as my book launch! I actually didn't plan it this way, but I think it is perfect. The Moon Festival is all about getting together with friends and family and giving thanks. And my book party is pretty much the same thing!

Traditional mooncakes  are, of course, the traditional treat and I will be serving some at the party. But, it was a bit of a stretch to make/purchase the traditional ones for each goodie bag. Plus, mooncakes can be an acquired taste--I wasn't sure if my young readers would appreciate lotus see paste! So, instead, the goodie bags have shortbread cookies molded into mooncake shapes! Aren't they lovely? This, I admit, could not have been done without the help of the Sasquatch's mom (Mother Sasquatch?) as Rain Dragon has made my baking time very limited.

So, when you bite into one of these delicious mooncake cookies this Sunday,  say a special thanks to her!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Starry River of the Sky Book Trailer

Here it is! The book trailer for Starry River of the Sky! Isn't it great? Because it took us so long, we were able to put excerpts in from four of the five (yes, FIVE! just got the fifth one yesterday!) starred reviews. So I guess there are advantages to being late.

Even though the book officially doesn't release until October 2nd, it's already available on Amazon! But you don't want to buy it there-- you want to buy it at my booklaunch on Sunday! And even if you can't make it to my booklaunch, you want to come back here on the October 2nd release day--I'm having an online party!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

going on tour...UPDATED 11/20/12

I was going to debut the Starry River of the Sky Book Trailer today but  it looks like we have just a little more tweaking to do...tommorrow!

In the meantime, here is my tour schedule! Yes, I'm going on tour...a teeny-tiny, mini tour! Rain Dragon is only 4+ months old and while she's traveled well so far, I don't think I should push my luck.

But if you are nearby these places, please come! I am always so afraid people won't show up.

Haverford, PA
Sarturday December 1st at 10 am
Breakfast with Grace
Children's Book World
17 Haverford Station Rd

Brookline, MA
Sunday December 2 from 1-3 pm
Park School Library, 171 Goddard Ave
Event is FREE, but space is limited so please RSVP or call 617-469-7222

Providence, RI
Saturday, December 8th, 10-5 pm
Rhode Island Convention Center
One Sabin St

Concord, MA
Saturday, December 15th,1-4 pm
Concord Museum
53 Cambridge Turnpike

So, this tour is not very extensive which I am sorry about because I'll miss my geographically-distanced readers!

Monday, September 24, 2012

on my desk monday

Starry River of the Sky posters for the goodie bags at my book launch on Sunday! You're coming, right?

This week is full of preparation...stay tuned tomorrow when I release the book trailer!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Chinese School

Welcome to Sunday Chinese School, where we learn a Chinese word (or phrase) a week with my mom!
Today's word is:
apple pie

Friday, September 21, 2012

fortune cookie friday

"By nature all men are alike, but by education very different."
-Chinese Proverb

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Pocket Pacy Picture of the Week

Reader Isabella would bring Pocket Pacy to the Great Wall of China!

I wish I had taken a Pocket Pacy to the Great Wall when I went, I hope she gets to go with Isabella!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

mortgage therapy

So my new book comes out soon...very soon...and I'm on pins and needles about it. I've been ramping up for my booklaunch, dreaming up online giveaways, preparing my little family for the book tour (limited book tour, Rain Dragon is only 4 months),  and, all and all, just trying with all my might to help make my book a success.

However, there comes a point where there's just nothing more an author can do. We write the best book we can, we spread the word the best we can and then we just hope. We hope people like it, we hope people love it, we hope and hope.

Yet, there is also a point where the hope just turns to worry.  Me, myself, I've never been able to rein in that anxiety and it is so unhelpful. By the time my book comes out, I am usually just a blob of agonizing, self-doubt.

But not this time! Why? Not because I've reached some sort of's because we, my little family, have just bought a house! Yes, we're moving!

So now, my brain is completely filled with new house stuff--should I paint the walls green, when should we sell the condo...all sorts of fun and not-so-fun details. It's been a really good way of keeping the book anxiety at bay. But I don't recommend it as a regular remedy.

Monday, September 17, 2012

on my desk monday

Starry River of the Sky is a Junior Library Guild book! I love their shiny medallions. My certificate is a little wrinkled because Rain Dragon loves shiny things, too...

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Chinese School

Welcome to Sunday Chinese School, where we learn a Chinese word (or phrase) a week with my mom!
Today's word is:

Friday, September 14, 2012

fortune cookie friday

"Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time."
-Chinese Proverb

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pocket Pacy Picture of the Week

Yasef would take Pocket Pacy to a football game!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Come to my book launch & I might paint your portrait!

Starry River of the Sky is almost here! I'm planning a glorious book launch! Instead of my usual talk & reading, I'm planning an interactive reader's theatre & game! If all goes as planned, you'll hear a Chinese legend, shoot imaginary arrows and be rewarded with the moon...or at least a super starry goodie bag! And what makes those goody bags starry?

Well, in two of those bags will be a copper coin (as well as other goodies, like a Starry River of the Sky poster!). If your bag has the copper coin in it, you are a grand prize winner!!!

The Grand Prize? I will paint your portrait (or your child's or your dog's...whomever you like) for you to keep forever and ever.
 So, if your bag has a coin, I will paint your portrait:

It would be a portrait of you, not the baby!
Wouldn't that be a fun thing to have? Or the perfect gift for someone (with the book)? Well, come to the book launch and it could be your portrait I'll paint!

Goodie bags are limited so reserve yours by reserving your book, but as usual I'll make extras--so come one, come all!

 Sunday, September 30th at 3pm Porter Square Books
 25 White Street, Cambridge MA
 617-491-2220 (reserve your copy today, which automatically reserves your goodie bag-- no tickets this time!)

Hope to see you!

 Not local? As usual, you can pre-order your book from Porter Square and I will sign it for you on launch day plus send along some extra goodies (probably not the cookies, though). And keep your eyes open--I'm having a virtual book party on October 2nd! Yes, games and prizes (special edition pocket pacys!) for even those who aren't nearby. You'll have a shot at winning a custom portrait, too!

Monday, September 10, 2012

on my desk monday

Hmm, what can be in this shiny gold envelope?

Can it be?

EEEKS! Yes! It's the final, bound book! Starry River of the Sky is finished:

Here's a sneak peak at some of the interiors:

remember this one in sketch form? Now it's in the book!

and this is how this one turned out
 Little, Brown did such a beautiful job printing it. I'll try to make a little video of more of the interior later!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Chinese School

Welcome to Sunday Chinese School, where we learn a Chinese word (or phrase) a week with my mom!
Today's word is:

Friday, September 7, 2012

fortune cookie friday

"Learning without thought is naught; thought without learning is dangerous."
-Chinese Proverb

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Do three stars make a river?

 Starry River of the Sky has received not one, not two, but THREE starred reviews! I'm so thrilled and relieved and grateful.

"Lin artfully wraps her hero’s story in alternating layers of Chinese folklore, providing rich cultural context. Detailed, jewel-toned illustrations and spot art reminiscent of Chinese painting highlight key scenes and themes and serve as the focus of an overall exquisite design."--Kirkus (starred)

"This tight and cyclical plotting, combined with Lin’s vibrant, full-color paintings and chapter decorations, creates a work that is nothing short of enchanting. Like the restored moon, Starry River outshines the previous work."--School Library Journal (starred)

"The lively mixture of adventure, mystery, and fantasy, supported by compelling character development and spellbinding language, will captivate a wide swath of readers."--Publisher's  Weekly (starred)

Monday, September 3, 2012

on my desk monday

The super sweet and talented Joyce Wan sent me these adorable baby books (which I would've bought anyway!):

Rain Dragon loves them. I think she will have a sweet tooth, just like her mom:

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday Chinese School

Welcome to Sunday Chinese School, where we learn a Chinese word (or phrase) a week with my mom!
Today's word is: