
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Name this tune!

At the hotel in Taiwan, a violinist serenaded us during breakfast. It was Rain Dragon's first experience with a violin and she was fascinated--so much so that she watches this video over and over again. Because of this, the Sasquatch and I find ourselves humming and singing this tune all the time and it is driving us a bit mad that we don't know what song it is.  Do you know it?  If you do, please tell us as then we could start the new year without losing our minds!

Monday, December 30, 2013

on my desk monday

On my desk are an assortment of lovely holiday cards from friends and family which have shamed me. Despite my best intentions, I didn't even make Christmas cards, much less send any. But there's always Chinese New Year, right?

Saturday, December 28, 2013

post for posterity

It was the first Christmas at our house! Please excuse this indulgence as I post this for posterity:

Our living room was clean for the first time in 8 months:

Menus for the dinner were planned:

Dinner was served (we were very proud!):

But no family pictures were taken...we forgot! Next year!

Friday, December 27, 2013


The creation of a masterpiece:

Ah! My creation! My masterpiece! What will my public think?

hmm, how can I say this?

I like what you did with the roof pattern,

and the taste and texture is not bad...

but if you remove some of this...

and maybe add something...

Ah! Voila! See, much better, no?

Monday, December 23, 2013

new home for the holidays

It's almost Christmas! This our first Christmas in our new house in our new locale. We've been traveling so much that it still feels new. But we are settling in, putting out little roots and starting new traditions.  This year, for the the first time ever, we cut our own Christmas tree:

Rain Dragon was a little confused (and cold):

But we invested in some non-breakable ornaments:

 and she got into the holiday spirit:

So we've decked the new halls:

And now our home is (mostly) ready for the holidays! Hope yours is, too!

Friday, December 20, 2013

fortune cookie friday

"A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another."

Monday, December 16, 2013

on my desk monday

Hey, I'm back! In between computer break downs, school visits and holidays I took an unplanned hiatus from the blog! But it looks like I'll have to do the big bunch belated blog posts after Christmas because right now I've got a bunch of prints from my etsy shop to mail. Yay! I hope these make some lovely gifts!

Friday, December 13, 2013

fortune cookie friday

"If heaven drops you a date, receive it with an open mouth."
-Chinese Proverb

Friday, December 6, 2013

fortune cookie friday

"Thousands of candles can be lit from single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases from being shared."

Thursday, December 5, 2013

newsletter newsflash

The blog has been forced to take a short hiatus as my computer is in the shop (hmm, perhaps carting it across the ocean in a carry-on crammed next  diaper cream, crayons, and cheerios wasn't the best idea). It's a bit of a bummer as I have so many Taiwan adventures to share. But I was promised it would be fixed soon.

However, before it acted up, I was able to put together my holiday newsletter! If you don't receive it, you may wish to take a look--I'm offering a free gift for those who order my books for the holidays and my etsy store is open again! Also, this Saturday I'll be at the RISD Sale selling prints, books and more at book #337.

 Read all about it HERE and feel free to sign up to be on my mailing list for future newsletters.!