
Thursday, July 17, 2014

first time at the brimfield fair

So I've been in New England for most of my adult life and I had never gone to the famous Brimfield Fair. And I've always wanted to go! So last week, I played hokey from  work and spent the morning there.

And what a lot of stuff! It's like every New England's grandmother's attic emptied! Crazy!

There was a lot that I loved but could never fit in the car:

I always wanted a card catalog!

and this would've looked awesome in our garden, don't you think?

There were many chinoiserie  knick-knacks which I couldn't decide if I was charmed by or offended:

And then there were things I actually considered but couldn't afford. Even though you might think the Brimfield fair is a gigantic yard sale, I found the prices rather high. I found out later that most people expect you to bargain with them:

I really wanted to have these for our yard!
this was so sweet and Rain Dragon LOVEs merry-go-rounds
And while I didn't take home this Elephant sign:

I thought it would look neat in my studio
I did take home an elephant!