
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Pre-order "When the Sea Turned to Silver" and get...

an exclusively printed and illustrated "deleted" story from the book!!

In When the Sea Turned to Silver,  I had to cut out a story which I loved. While it just wasn't needed for the book, I still wanted to share it with you. So, I am creating brand-new illustrations for the story and going to make it into little book of its own...for you!

sneak preview of some of the art!

All you have to do is  pre-order When the Sea Turned to Silver  from my book launch store, Porter Square Books,  you will receive "The Story of the Stonecutter." It's a beautiful story--you're really not going to want to miss it!
The Old Man of the Moon makes a cameo!

The booklet is only available from me so this is only while supples last... PRE-ORDER NOW!  Hurry, hurry!