
Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas memories for posterity

This last Christmas we had our own holiday miracle.  Right now, Rain Dragon's favorite stuffie is her little pig whom she alternately called Piglet and Arnold.  

It began with our traditional tree-cutting at the farm. Rain Dragon insisted on bringing her currently favorite stuffie Piglet/Arnold. You can see her holding him in her hand:

I suggested she put Piglet in her pocket. She did so and we had a grand time picking our tree:

However, back at the car, disaster struck! Arnold Piglet was not in her pocket! He had fallen out!  Arnold Piglet was lost!!! Wailing, tears and hysterics ensued. Sasquatch bravely, but without much hope,  returned to the tree cutting area to search for a 2 inch pig toy. 

In the meantime, as I attempted to calm Rain Dragon and I went through the photos on my phone and found...

the exact moment Arnold Piglet fell out of her pocket!

Using my photo, Sasquatch was able to locate Arnold Piglet and we had a happy Christmas after all.

Merry Christmas, Arnold Piglet! Merry Christmas, Rain Dragon!